Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of (here in after referred to as “website ") detailed here in below governs the collection, possession, storage, handling and dealing of personal identifiable information and sensitive personal data (hereinafter collectively referred to as “information”) of the users of the site.

You must accept the contents of this Policy in order to use or continue using our site. This Privacy Policy detailed herein is also applicable to user of the site or mobile application through mobile or any other similar device.

Collection Of Information

We confirm that we collect that information from you which is required to extend the services available on the site. At the time of signing up and registration with the site, we collect user information including name, company name, email address, phone/mobile number, postal address and other business information which may also include business statutory details and tax registration numbers.

In relation to our paid services, we may collect personal information of a more sensitive nature which includes bank account numbers and related details to facilitate the sale or purchase of the services available on the site.

User’s registration with us and providing information is intended for facilitating the users in its business. User may update, correct, or confirm provided information by logging on to their accounts on the site or by sending a request to


The following are the purposes of collecting the Information:

For the verification of your identity, eligibility, registration and to provide customized services.

For facilitating the services offered/available on the site.

For advertising, marketing, displaying & publication.

For enabling communication with the users of the site, so that the users may fetch maximum business opportunities.

For generating business leads.

For sending communications, notifications, newsletters and customized mailers etc.


Information we may collect from you may be disclosed and transferred to external service providers who we rely on to provide services to us or to you directly. For instance, information may be shared with

Affiliated companies for better efficiency, more relevancy, innovative business matchmaking and better personalized services.

Government or regulatory or law enforcement agencies, as mandated under statutory enactment, for verification of identity or for prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, prosecution and punishment of offences.

Service provider including but not limited to payment, customer and cloud computing service provider (“Third Party”) engaged for facilitating service requirements of user. Business partners for sending their business offers to the users, which are owned and offered by them solely without involvement of the site.

Please keep in mind that whenever a user post personal & business information online, the same becomes accessible to the public and the users may receive messages/emails from visitors of the site.


We employ commercially reasonable and industry-standard security measures to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure proper use of information we receive.

These security measures are both electronic as well as physical but at the same time no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

We strive to protect the User Information, although we cannot ensure the security of Information furnished/transmitted by the users to us.

We recommend you not to disclose password of your email address, online bank transaction and other important credentials to our employees / agents / affiliates/ personnel, as we do not ask for the same.

We recommend that registered users not to share their site’s account password and also to sign out of their account when they have completed their work. This is to ensure that others cannot access Information of the users and correspondence, if the user shares the computer with someone else or is using a computer in a public place

We recommend you not to disclose password of your email address, online bank transaction and other important credentials to our employees / agents / affiliates/ personnel, as we do not ask for the same


We, and third parties with whom we partner, may use cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, mobile device IDs, “flash cookies” and similar files or technologies to collect and store information in respect to your use of the site and track your visits to third party websites.

We also use cookies to recognize your browser software and to provide features such as recommendations and personalization.

Third parties whose products or services are accessible or advertised through the site, including social media sites, may also use cookies or similar tools, and we advise you to check their privacy policies for information about their cookies and the practices followed by them. We do not control the practices of third parties and their privacy policies govern their interactions with you.


User Information that we collect may be transferred to, and stored at, any of our affiliates, partners or service providers which may be inside or outside the country you reside in. By submitting your personal data, you agree to such transfers.


The policy may change from time to time, so users are requested to check it periodically.


If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.